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Oct 31, 2019

In the penultimate episode before the mid-season finale... EVERYONE SNITCHIN! We get into the destruction of all trust and bonds of family between Tommy, Ghost, Tasha and Tariq along with some more notables deaths and where we go from here. Tariq vs Ghost and Fatherhood, Tate's failed campaign, dropped storylines,...

Oct 15, 2019

What a way to end an episode! 

In the latest edition of #PowerAfterHours, we discuss the shocking death this episode (and how one of my favorite power memes came true), Saxe's white privilege Starman finally running out, Tate's campaign looking funny, The two-week gap between Power episodes and what the midseason finale...

Oct 9, 2019

Tariq finally gets put in his place by multiple folks and the Internet rejoices! This week, we discuss the multiple ways the parent figures in Tariq's bad ass life give him a dose of reality. Living in a fantasy world (Ghost), vs. Reality (Tasha, Tommy, Everyone else but Ghost), Saxe's white privilege power...