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Aug 28, 2018

Bruh... Did they just did that?! [SPOILERS BELOW!!!]

This week I'm joined by DJ Ben Ha Meen (@DJBenhameen) as we talk about one of the most shocking episodes of POWER ever! Kanan Stark is I can't even believe I typed that. We discuss the fallout from the death of Ghost and Tommy's frenemy, his place among all...

Aug 16, 2018

This week Jameer (@ItsJameer) and Midtown Mo (@MidtownMo) from THEE Power Groupchat join me to discuss the latest episode of Power. This was a fun podcast, where conspiracy theories reign supreme. We figure out the true purpose of the Queens Child Project, Talk Overwatch level weaponry from Double-O Dre, Tasha and Ghost...

Aug 7, 2018

Jeff is joined by Jameer Pond (@ItsJameer) to discuss the Ghost St. Patrick Apology World tour. Ghost goes full Usher Raymond as he navigates his life of ruin to repent to his loved ones for his wrongdoings, with mixed results. The guys also discuss Kanan x Tariq becoming the 2018 Gatman and Robbin, Proctor and Benny in...